Monday, April 18, 2011

Gordimer's Writing

Nadine Gordimer is a talented writer in my opinion. She paints a very good picture when she tells a story. Gordimer explains the story's she tells with very good detail so that the writer can picture it as fine as possible. Some very good stories that Gordimer has written are, "Good Climate, Friendly Inhabitants", "Amnesty" and "Six Feet of the Country". In all of these stories that she wrote had something to do with apartheid. This was something that had been going on in South Africa. It was a very racist time for Africa.

In the short story "Amnesty" I thought it was a very good  story. This entire story kept me interested. When reading this piece i felt very Angy, especially after we went over it in class. The nameless women in the story, i felt like was very strong! Her husband was gone probably 90% of the time. He ended up getting arrested and being sent to Robins Island. She had a child with him that she had to raise on her own. My sisters husband is in the army, and for a year of her child's life he was in Afghanistan. I know how hard it is to raise a child on your own just from watching my sister do it. The man who was her husband was a dick, just like we discussed in class about the man in the story of "Six Feet of the Country". But he felt like he had a purpose in his life. He wanted to fight for his African people and children. That's when he joined the movement. The man gave her what she wanted, which was children. In the end i think she is brave, strong, and driven. This story should inspire all of those single mom's who do not have a husband or boyfriend there to support them.

In the short story " Six Feet of the Country" this story made me SO FURIOUS! This story shows a perfect example of Apartheid. Family is so important to me, especially my brothers and sisters. If anyone of them were to pass away i would want to have a funeral for them. I would hate to see their body being shipped off to only god know where. During Apartheid whites felt like they had so much power that they could do anything. Like digging up a random body and telling the black man that it is his brother. That is so wrong on so many different levels! What really pissed me off was that they gathered so much money for nothing! Baas did not care either way. In this story i think that Gordimer made it pretty clear that the whites treated the blacks like animals. They acted like there were no feelings involved when it came to the black community. Really the black people were better people than the white people.

I really enjoyed these two stories. They kept my attention the entire time, plus they made me feel like i could picture what was going on. There was a lot of drama that went on in the story and that is what i like to read about. Gordimer is a very good writer, and i would read some more of her stories, also i would recommend them to a friend.

1 comment:

  1. This is your best posting so far: you have all the elements of analysis and reference to your own experience. Good job. Oh, about that spell check thing: try typing these in Word and just running the spell and grammar check really quickly before you paste the text into your blog. It will catch all the capital letters and apostrophes that are missing.
