Friday, April 1, 2011

The Strangle Hold of English Lit-Chad McGuffey

In this blog i will be responding to The Stranle Hold of English Lit by Felix Mnthali.

I the text it has something to do with me in a way because it says Jane Austin and her people sat back and did nothing but, they still got wealthy. It relates to me bacause i have family that has done the same thing in life. It was like they didnt have to do nothing at all and took controll over a situation, and then got wealthy.

I agree with the guy that is giving the speech. I feel like people have to work for what they get. It is not fair to the people for someone to sit back and get wealthy. It is not fair for people to conquer someone elses land. I feel like what was going on in this story was not the right thing to do in africa. The way things worked at this time was not fair. The way the british took over wasnt the right thing to do.

I learned by this story by knowing that the british took over african land. They made other people do their work because they had more power. This changed the way i felt about the speaker because at first i just he was complaining, buit now i feel like his anger is necessary and he has every right to be angry at Jane Austin.

It adresses the things that are important to me very well. Someones personal items are important to them but, having someone come over and take that from them is very wrong! It is even worse when they dont have any power to do anything about it. To me having land and owning it is very important to a person.

I think this piece is interesting. He is angry at one person and their people. He has the right to be angry. I like the way he called the british "aliens". The way he was angry about the british conquering the land kept me very interested in the poem.

I enjoyed the text a lot actually. At first i did not enjoy it because i didnt understand it too much. I think i enjoyed it more as art.

My overall reaction to the text was surprised. I wasnt shure of the tone of the speaker at first. I would read another text like this but only if i had someone with me who knew what was going on. They used some words that i did not understand who they were talking about at first. I would reccomend this text to another student who is interested in this kind of work

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