Monday, May 23, 2011

The Rabbi's Cat

I really enjoyed the story "the Rabbi's Cat". This book was really interesting. I have never read a book that was like a comic book. It kept my attention a lot because, it was not long at all. To me the story was really funny. The cat eats the bird and ends up talking. In the story the cat was really funny. I think that Joann Sfar kept the story interesting by making the cat talk. Towards the middle of the story the cat lost his voice and was no longer able to talk. Kitties owner and master who is the rabbi was a man who truly believed in his religion. He has been a rabbi for 30 years, and he wanted to continue on with being the rabbi. He didn't want to be just a rabbi, he wanted to be the rabbi of Algeria. In order to do this he had to take the dictation to show that he could speak French. Kitty helped him out with this. The way he did this was he gave up the ability to talk, so the rabbi would pass the test. I really liked how Joann Sfar made kitty seem like a cold hearted cat, and then show that he has a sensitive side. He was willing to give up something to make his master happy.

The way that the pictures were presented in the story was really interesting to me. In Algeria, the pictures were really colorful and nice. He made it seem like Algeria was this great place. When  they traveled over seas to Paris, he made every picture really Grey, black and gloomy. The rabbi didn't have anywhere to stay and it was always rainy. It was almost like Joann Sfar was saying that Algeria is a much better place than Paris because, people in Algeria are religious and much better people.

I liked in the story how the rabbi ends up going against his religion, but at the same time kept it respectful. This can relate to me because i am christian but i do not do everything the way most Christians do when they practice the religion. I'm not a religious person, but i do believe in god and the things that he did for people. In the end, the rabbi almost made it seem like to me, that its OK to be the way i am. As long as i believe then that is all i need to do. I do not need to go above and beyond to show that. It is OK to break a couple rules without disappointing the people of your religion or even god himself.

1 comment:

  1. You do a good job of pulling in your own experience and showing how it affects your interpretation of the end of this graphic novel. The beginning, where you are summarizing, is a little stilted, but when you get warmed up to your topic, the writing becomes more interesting.
